Reed Valve or boost bottle help

Unless you can modify an offset intake you pretty much answered your question. Anything is possible with the proper tools!
All boost bottles do is look good other then that they are worthless no matter what you do to the motor. I know this form racing RC cars and from experince.
I have to disagree with some of these comments.

I found port matching the stock intake gave me worse power.
You can try it yourself, but keep a spare stock intake to go back to.

Boost bottles are a tuning tool.
They are a resonator that has to be tuned just like an exhaust pipe, only the manufacturers have not gone that far.
The small hose alone pretty much makes them useless.
Hose diameter (bigger is better), length and bottle volume have to be tuned for a resonant effect.
Better to get the basics working before messing with boost bottles, especially ineffective ones with long skinny hoses.

Widening the top of the exhaust port helped torque, as did port matching the exhaust pipe.

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I've port matched and it helped significantly, if your not running port matched gaskets then your not helping with anything it's just making the hole bigger but the gasket would restrict it
Boost bottles do not work well for these tiny engines while reeds help better with smoothness they don't provide much of a power upgrade if you don't believe me then check all the pros opinions and they will tell you that boost bottles just lighten your wallet to make you go faster
Boost bottles do not work well for these tiny engines while reeds help better with smoothness they don't provide much of a power upgrade if you don't believe me then check all the pros opinions and they will tell you that boost bottles just lighten your wallet to make you go faster

Not only that, Donald Trump is leading in the polls!
Popularity gives some people a good feeling but it is hardly a measure of technical worth.

Effortless opinion and words are worthless. Study the theory and experiment without prejudice. Share truth.

Reed valve = yes and lots of positives
Boost bottle = waste of money and time, and zero benefit.

I agree boost bottle is a waste of time and money! I tried one on many of my radio control 1/5 scale in motors up to 32cc if anything it hurt performance. Talk to any seasoned large scale driver.