Safety Safety & Maintainence Tips from MB.c's Members

If you're in my neighborhood:
Moose consider themselves pedestrians, and the entire road a crosswalk.
Alaskavan said:
If you're in my neighborhood:
Moose consider themselves pedestrians, and the entire road a crosswalk.

That's gotta be cool ....& suck at the same time.
When I started kayaking, I bought a book by a New Zealander who is really well respected in the kayaking community. He said that when he went off on a trip, he wouldn't file a trip plan or anything. If he got in trouble he was on his own. And he stated that he felt this was the ultimate in SELF-responsibilty.

Now I, on the other hand, have a toolkit that can take care of just about any problem, aside from being hit by a cager. I take a 10mm wrench and an adjustable wrench. That's it. Oh yeah, and there is this...

Pretty much gets me out of any jam. :)
On a more serious note: Listen to your bike. If she makes a noise there is probably a reason. Find it and fix it before it becomes more than a noise (Gee, maybe I should have applied that principle to my marriage). Don't wait 'till you get home - or don't.
almost a fall could be very dangerous ,,my pants leg got caught on the clutch arm ,,make sure one way or another you have it so that don"t happen
Grakker, either you're 12 feet tall or you own the smallest cell phone on the planet .... man, technology is moving soooo fast these days !

just after putting my first motor on i was at the shops standing next to my
bike fidling with my lock and i thought hmm my leg is itchy (more lock fidling)
then i thought yes it really is itchy then F@#k (jumping backwards )
i had shorts on and my calf had been against the magneto cover ended up with a blister 2 inches round on my leg and my girlfiend laughing at me everytime she seen it
I had just returned from a ride and was putting my bike away when the exhaust caught my leg... about six weeks for it to go away. Lessons learned... don"t wear shorts, let bike cool down first before stowing in cramped space and remember that the exhaust can be a tad warm, not to mention that you could burn down your shed!!
yes... hot pipes and exposed skin do not get along well...the pipe always wins
this from someone with a nasty burn on the inside of his left knee:rolleyes:
Check your brakes occassionaly. Going fast is sweet, but sometimes it's good to be able to stop.