
79cc occ stingray

Lights work good running them off a 12v 7ah razor electric pocket bike battery ;)
Presented badass break I have something similar but I don't want to do with Jeff Jeff and if I do I'm in the two cycles but if I do something like that I'm going to go with four stroke I don't know hundred bucks from Harbor Freight their own good and for what I'm going to use it I can modify it and do whatever the hell I want with it any information would be appreciated thanks bud
I don't know the exact dimensions of the back tire I do know I was originally using a fat tire off a 20 inch mongoose til I found this original one online. I'm not running with a jack shafts it's straight off the clutch it took some frame notching to get the motor to line up right I do suggest a torque converter of some kind though I'm actually working on putting one on the bike for hills

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