1999 WC-1 Whizzer

I purchased this bike from a couple of guys who didn't know about the defects in the WC-1. It would run for 15 minutes then die when the valve guides started floating. I replaced the engine jug, head, and reworked a couple of other things and she's been running ever since. I finally got her up to 43 MPH, usually I cruise at 35 which is pretty fast for a small drum front brake and coaster rear brake. The slip belt clutch......well it slips, stealing some power on hills and from takeoff. All of these things can be fixed once I get my other builds finished. Everywhere I go people stop me to tell me Whizzer stories. One guy told me his father rode a Whizzer from Raleigh to Kentucky in 1948 to visit his mother. He said the trip took 3 days to get there and 4 days to get back.
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