
  • Media owner Pammeepie
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Drive sprocket adapter
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How do you have a bike share bikes hub/wheel? There is nothing I know of to fit that not that it would last anyway!
Oops wasn't a wear that's a good hub, I see them on the bike share bikes all the time and actually hear them coming making strange noises sounding really bad. If it's holding up for Gary then it must be ok! And his suggestion is probably best option!
Oops wasn't a wear that's a good hub, I see them on the bike share bikes all the time and actually hear them coming making strange noises sounding really bad. If it's holding up for Gary then it must be ok! And his suggestion is probably best option!
I don't know if I would call it good. The brake on this one never was very good so the front disc was a must. I probably rode it for a couple of years till I picked up another moto glide and went with the nuvinci hub. As far as the Shimano 4 speed hub it was working as well when I parked it as it did when I built the bike. It has been sitting for over 2 years in the tool shed since the new one replaced it.

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