Cliff top sea view lunch stop

Cliff top sea view lunch stop

First ride halfway point. Very happy with my bikey. :)
Wow, looking good! How's that exhaust working out for you? I wanted to ask this before, how much quieter is it with that on there? It seems like it would hamper performance being restrictive, does it?
@Murkle Idk how much quieter it is. I have not tried removing it yet. This was the first test ride. The noise from the intake seems louder and is the only source of raspy high frequency sound. Bike is surprisingly quiet, sounds like a 4 stroke, and I can't smell it. I don't think the hose is restrictive: The ID of the silicone hose is the OD of the muffler stinger. I slightly opened up the holes in the bottom baffle plate inside the muffler, just in case.

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