10 deg and 14in snow

Make your winter more enjoyable become a terrorist get a snowball flinger make the snowballs soak in 2 stroke gas have flame behind you torch it hurl the fireballs at night at cars, causes the most horror a motorist ever encountered and there is no evidence left behind falls into a UFO category.
Make your winter more enjoyable become a terrorist get a snowball flinger make the snowballs soak in 2 stroke gas have flame behind you torch it hurl the fireballs at night at cars, causes the most horror a motorist ever encountered and there is no evidence left behind falls into a UFO category.
Currently I'm enjoying my freedom, no thanks.
"So put a trebuchet on a bike trailer and use Styrofoam in your 2 stroke marinade make a good slippery napalm".
Ice tea is goodnuff, capiche?