2 stèps forwad 3 back

Your gonna wanna ditch the wheels and tires and tubes and use what I did as mentioned in the tutorial...lol.

You need real wheels, tires, tubes, and brakes to slow down and stop a Phantom equipped bike
Having power and using it are 2 different thing will I upgrade yes but I do not intend to cross 35mph frequently at all. My ld100 in all honesty after tuning has shocked me. With a balanced crank I could easily Crack 50mph. I normally ride about <30mph.hard to believe it has that power but I have never held it past 3/4 throttle. I've never held 3/4 and I maxed at 46mph. Speed is nothing to f*** with. I have a set of michelins on my daily that I highly recommend. They are comfortable and hold well at 35+mph
Score of a life time picking up a felt faker frame in the am someone (not mechanical) lost hope in!!! Has a 66/80 already is all dress with a 32t to boot! Plug and play for the phantom and I will donate the 66/80 with some perfomace mods to a local mechanical kid I've been working with. Win win plug play frame kid gets a free hot rod for his efforts!
I guarantee you are gonna make that kid's year.
He's a decent mechanic it's between that and a full motor ld100 build gonna let him choose. Kids 14 and wrench better than most 30 yr Olds I know! Think ur right. Nothing better then showing a kid how to wrench and that nothing worth having is easy.