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This guy may be in over his head and I'm watching out for him.

I know a man who is leaving New Mexico on thursday to see his daughters in Plainview, TX. He is determined to make it and has prepared to the best of his ability and I will repack his wheel bearings for him tomorrow, I offered him an extra engine to carry along but he says too much weight, I might also offer him my trailer.

I think he's a bit over ambitious, but still, who wouldn't like to see him make it?

This is his first bike and his only transportation and he works daily to maintain this bike he is in love with his green beach cruiser. He's pretty much done what he needs to do, he has the best tires possible, I've informed him about not overheating the engine, of course he's gonna carry tools etc.

I've taught him quite a bit the past month about the bikes. He doesn't know about our forum and doesn't have much experience. I believe he is going document the trip.

1. Throw out some thoughts on what you would do if you did this

2. Anyone here along the route willing to help out in case of trouble? We're talking about Eastern New Mexico and West Texas here.
Keep speeds slow,give the engine a rest every couple of hours. When your behind starts giving you grief,it's time for a rest. Check chain tension every stop. Bring an extra magneto!! Have a good tool kit.
He'll make it.
Could ya show us a pic of that bike? Or tell us what bike that is?
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He better make sure hes legal in TX those troopers have no sense of humor.
I hope to do some of this type of riding soon. If you got it why not use it and if it is too fragile to do the job get one that will do it. That is how I am building my bikes, so that they will take a 100 to 1000 mile trip. I used to ride long distance on a bike and always carried the stuff to keep me going if common problems occurred. A spark plug and patch kit/ extra tube and spokes are some things I would add to his kit. Food and water are also very necessary as fatigue and heat exhaustion/stroke will also be a concern in this time of year. Large has the right idea as to rest befor the buke over heats and breaks too much to fix.
Oops. Sorry I didn't see that he has a beach cruiser. I'm sure it was the grade 2 bolts I used but my front mount sheared off on my Happy Time cruiser. It seems it gives a lot more strength when the clamp actually surrounds the frame or at least that's what I'm seeing. And that I may have stressed out my clamp when I first clamped it on the the frame then my engine I'm blabbering.
Check out his front mount. How is it set up? If that shears off he's walking,dawg.
He should use Maxima 927 oil in the summer heat at a ratio of 4-5 oz/gallon. It will offer thermal protection better than any oil out there. This is no time to debate opinions, this guy is taking a long trip and a touch of castor will help prevent lube problems from overheating.
maxima 927

skyliner 70cc
most people don't know what castor is. it's the best 2 stroke oil that ever was & the smell is perfume to a motor head. uasd to use it in 4 stokkes back in the 60's.
Maxima 927 has 20% castor in it. Folks who have been on here for a while know what castor is; they are sick of me talking about it in repeated postings :-)

It is the best 2 stroke oil for lubrication and engine protection but does has some undesireable effects too such as varnish and gunk build up in your engine and plug. The gunk takes a long time if you use a high quality castor oil and even longer if you blend a little in regular oil.
Wow! I was nervous about My trip from Grand Rapids, Michigan to the beach at Lake Michigan. That was about 85 miles round trip. I made the trip twice with no problems. But 420 miles...... Is that one way or round trip? If he cruises at 20 mph, 420 miles is 21 hours of ride time. He better have a real comfortable seat on that bike.