Air Leak Frustrations (NSFW) | Long Ride On My Motorized Mongoose Fat Bike - She has been dubbed Nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Local time
2:18 PM
Nov 21, 2020

@Member 30571 gave my brain a kick on what to name this build. He humorously referred to it as a nightmare build. I use the term "nightmare" all the time, usually prefaced with "F-ing." Just before this ride, my best ride so far, I exclaimed "F-ing nightmare" so, ... I think the name fits.

Before this ride I put on a new carb. I assumed the new carb would solve the air leak. That turned out to be wrong, but in assuming that I also figured the 72 jet would be too rich so I put a 70 in the new carb. That was a good move. The spark plug is showing a grayish kind of brown, not wet except in the threads.

I was babying this thing before this ride. I took @Karl Snarl's advice this ride and just rode it full out in places. I didn't get it on video but I took this thing up the steepest hill in town like it was nothing. 18 mph up this hill.
You're finally getting the rings seated. Now all that's left is that leaky crank seal and you'll be all good to go lol.
There's no leaky crank seal. The only leak I found was at the carb clamp. I took the covers off last week to check.
I'd leave it there for a while and see how it runs after a few miles... I could be wrong and others will chime in.
Ok. There was more riding than I posted in this video both before and after these clips. I'd say altogether I did about 5 miles.
Put a strip of the sealing tape around the carb under the clamp that holds it to the tube, be aware that there's a locating pin on the side and the carb and the clamp will have to puncture the tape right at that spot. The silicone pipe isn't the issue.