Alternative engines

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guv'mint's been buyin' off the working class for years, party's about over...the pending reality check will either make or break the whole enchilada.

and that, my friends, is where we come in. let's give everyone something positive to focus on.

like i said, don't have to believe it, just believe that i believe it. i don't mind doing the time for this pipe-dream :)
I think we (I'm hesitant to include myself in such august company) need to keep working on setting an example. Dan and Mike and Zomby (I'm terrible with names) build such beautiful bikes that a lot of people wish to emulate them. Rif is legendary, and Augie and I seem to aim for practicality with a little style. If we keep telling the crowd the realities, they should move away from the Happy Time, and towards the 4-strokes. Watch for oportunities to point out that if someone hadn't bought a Happy Time, instead of installing their 3rd engine, they could have been out riding on good equipment.
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Pre-friggin-cisely Van! Even with the crappy little weedeater thing I made, I don't even think to bring a tool. With the happy times, I need a trailer for the tool box!:D
Sorry guys I had to take care o' some business to give myself more time to get better involved here.
I've been reading/catching up and here's the thing:
The happy time is a dinosaur- or mare appropriately, a zombie. It's dead it just doesn't know yet to lay in the earth for it's eternal rest.
So what do we ned to do to work with Whizzer to get this into production?
First I think we need to get ourselves organized and start making a real plan, united in this.
Augi, I believe that you believe. H e l l It's the poets and dreamers that really changed the world throughout history.
But where do we start? We know Whizzer is looking into it, which means we have their ear, and that is an important first step... Mike, Where are we at with their "investigation" of this product?
What do you all think here, Should I talk to other dealers who have been in close contact with product improvement and development/research? OR should I hold back for now and wait to see how things progress in thier research of the Wizzer II?
I absolutely agree about a lighter frame/ bike for the smaller engine, the current one is a monster. God for the current offering, but heavy as all git.
The 48cc needs a less heavy beast to push around, otherwise it's al over. People won't want a slug. of course, as just a universal kit that's nil.
Anyway, where do we go from here?
Help me to get going here and let's do this thing!
The Grand and Glorious "Titan Wonder engine"

Hi all, is it just me, or has Dax just about pimped that thing to death, with little to no details?

well, he'll be sending me one, if it don't live up, we'll know soon enough.

yes, i've talked to him, that's why he's finally religeously avoiding talking price or comparing other systems.
I've unsubscribed from the thread. I think I'll wait 'til I can read about it from someone else's perspective. I did note that those salivating the most are relatively new.
Mike, of course he is pimpimg it out to the's his product. He wants it to succeed and it sounds like the production hasn't really happened yet so it may still need some refining.

As far as the Whizzer goes, it sounded like Whizzer wasn't that interested in it right now. What can we do to spark their interest???
