Any Ideas For Homemade Engine Mounts?

Home depot look around the chain link fence fasteners you might be able to beat one with a hammer get it to work.
Due to a very small triangle I had to shave metal off of my case at the exhaust end and then I needed a custom mount plate. I had two mount plates from bikeberry welded together. One side connects to the motor, the other connects to the bike with a big U-bolt. I talk about it in this video but you can just watch the first few seconds and you'll see the welded together plates. Watch further for an explanation of the method. Maybe this concept would be good for you.

Look at the first picture in this thread. I used the adapter Damien referred to.
yuckfoo, Will I live long enough to see you finally enjoying that nightmare bike from hell ?
lol. I'm going back out there today. I have the new carb on the new intake. The original carb's clamp was a bit wonky. It never seemed to sit correctly. That is where I found a slight air leak. Assuming I've fixed the air leak I put a 70 jet on it instead of the 72 that was working for me on the original carb (assuming no air leak needs a smaller jet.) But I'll bring out the 72 and a 68. Also I'm brining out spark plugs and will do some tests. I was actually out on it the other day and put a few miles on it. Got up to 32 mph with it running poorly and not broken in yet. Hopefully today is the day. Assuming that goes well I have to either tighten my flower nut one or two, or take it off completely to make sure it's seated correctly (per advice from others.) I only make one change at a time so I can be sure I know what caused what results. I can't wait to finish the entire build phase and make my walk around/reveal/first good running ride video. 🏍
Hi Damien. That mount looks way better. My problem is I don't have much space between the front of the engine and the downtube. My frame has an unusually small triangle, so I can barely fit everything in. I have an offset intake coming in the mail which will help with the position of the carb. I noticed on one of your other posts you installed a triple tree on one of your bikes. I'm trying to install an OCC triple tree on this build using a Suntour XCT lower suspension. There is always a challenge when you try to use what you have on hand, but I find it satisfying to piece it all together.
I noticed on one of your other posts you installed a triple tree on one of your bikes
Hi must have me confused with someone else here, as i have never installed a triple tree on any bike ever...I kinda like to specialise in getting the most out of stock builds...Not only keeping costs down for me since Social Security only goes so far, but also for others on a tight budget that just can't afford to splurge all sorts of money at these things while also remembering that these are, after all, still bicycles...Just with a motor strapped to