Anyone Familiar with Clutch Vibration?


Well-Known Member
Local time
2:48 PM
Dec 13, 2015
My other bike blew an engine the other do lucky for me I had built a spare bike and a used motor bought from another guy.
He said the clutch vibrates so he cut out a piece of leather glue it to the clutch box exterior to absorb vibrations.
I thought he was f***ing nuts!

Well the bike does ok untill I hit 25 MPH then mini vibrations take over at 28 MPH gas is vibrating out the tank and the motor feels like it wants to brake and seiz up.

I have an acquaintance in town he says it's the clutch and he had to replace 2 clutches this far.
I must be retarded cuz I don't under stand what speed vs clutch vibration has anything in association with each other.

I hear if it's ballbearings causes vibration no matter where there place at. I never had the problem before I guess because I had spindles instead of ballbearings.