anyone know anything about these engines?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thejman
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i went on ebay and asked the guy that has little details on the engine if it was a grubee the speed and mpg will post his awnser once i recive it these kits look very nice though and the killswitch on the throttle i realy like

although from looking at the grubees i dont think it is one because of how the gearbox looks it should have a grubee sticker their and not have those bumps
here is his awnser

"hi! its not grubee engine as i know they have no 4-cycle engine by their own brand ! speed around 40mph "
the "$199/$61 shipping" kit is definitely NOT a gru-bee. but, i have to say i'm impressed by how fast a decent "copy" hit the market.

someone here is bound to take the bait...all we have to do is wait for the reports to come in :)
I'm also courious to hear about these kits. I've got a friend that ask me about these for a project he's working on and I don't have an answer for him. Any info will be appriciated, thanks ...Kelly