attn: Boost Bottle owners

Eco Speeder

Local time
7:15 PM
May 11, 2008
I have a Boost Bottle coming for my 43cc Mit. I was wondering if you guys have any tips on getting my carb dialed in.

I do have a specific question that comes to mind: the lean / rich setting is going to change for sure......How do I know if it's too lean? And should i goto a a 45:1 mix instead of 50:1 to be safe?

Thanks in advance,
hi not shure bout the intake but like I say better to have too much oil than not enough (to an extent though) I'd rather a smokey exaust rather than a little bit less smokey and slowly stuff your engine
It might be different for your mitsu than for my ht, but when I put my boost bottle on, it idled like it was at half throttle, so you might have to adjust it down some.
Boost Bottle

It might be different for your mitsu than for my ht, but when I put my boost bottle on, it idled like it was at half throttle, so you might have to adjust it down some.

That is encouraging:D. I was not getting any user feedback on the BB was starting to wonder is it is snake oil. What kind of extra performance did you get from it?

Mine should be here monday finally. I got a new carb which is still in the box. I'm kindof glad it took so long in a way because I believe i came up with a way to make the volume of the B Bootle, hose and fitting exactly match the engine displacement.