Well-Known Member
it's because people don't pay attention to the wear and tear on their fenders, they don't make sure they're secure, and when this happens you have a fender fly off either wheel and it'll cause you to wreck because it gets under the tire.
fenders are the least of my worries as you've seen in my previous posts about I probably need to give my carburetor a good cleaning
Using zipties is not a great solution especially if they're the white ones which can break down in a couple years exposure to sunlight. Sure they're rust proof, so is stainless steel bolts and they're 10 times as secure and stronger.
Also these new Planet Bike fenders come with a special break away feature on the front fender, that if the fender does become jammed into the tire it will break itself free of the stays.
My new/old J.C. Higgins motorized bike has these and they're nice fenders. They keep the road debris off of the engine and myself, they're quiet and lightweight, and they fitted up without needing any new hardware other than came with the fender kit.
That they also are safer than my old Mt. Zephal fenders is a plus.
Don't be go cheap on accessories that might injure you.