Safety Beware the fenders!!!

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ok im not getting did the fender pictured here bend? any pics of the reinforsement???

My GF just got a Huffy Magellan, looks awsome with the fenders, but they do look a bit flimsy, still look safe for a normal bike, not sure how speeds could affect fenders go out of alligment??

ive seen a couple of people that make wholes on edges of the fender and lace the fender to the body with some strong cord....looks super cool....
My Schwinn Del Mar fenders brackets busted the first week and one of them had a replaced steel L bracket. I was fortunate that I heard the rattling and removed the fenders on the spot. I now use Planet Bike polycarbonate fenders and they are holding up great. These were only $35 for the pair.
Just came in from the garage and checked over the fenders on my Cranbrook again...

It is incredible to think how cheaply and dare I say dangerously they are attached with that flimsy little bracket.

I can literally blow on the fender and watch it shake for a few seconds... now THAT is scary!
hah now i get it. i took the rear one off, it looks alright without it i guess. (i MIGHT snip it down with tin snips just to keep the grome off the backside of the motor kit and the bottom bracket.... difficult to say yet. im still tweaking with the installation! pm me some tips and tricks id love to read em as this is going to have to be a daily driver to and from work reliably for about a month:P
Just came in from the garage and checked over the fenders on my Cranbrook again...

It is incredible to think how cheaply and dare I say dangerously they are attached with that flimsy little bracket.

I can literally blow on the fender and watch it shake for a few seconds... now THAT is scary!

I was riding my HUFFY CRANBROOK monday when the L-bracket on the front fender broke the fender rotated around and pushed the brake into the fat part of the tire flipping the bike end over end, I was thrown over the handlebars and landed on the blacktop. Luckly I was wearing a good helment, but my left shoulder, elbow and side received a lot of road rash.
I was lucky that I didn't have any broken bones but my shoulder is so sore that I can barely move it.
I have read the post that say you should remove the front fender to keep this from happing but stuff like that happenes to other people.
Take my word for it remove the front fender or you may be one of the other people
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yeah i took this thing off a long time ago, i still think it looks good.
my stock front fender bracket broke on my scwhinn del mar but the fender stayed on and even without the bracket the fender cannot go under the wheel,theres side metal braces that attach to the wheel nuts and keep the fender from moving at all.
so i drilled out the ribbets and bolted a small steel L bracket in the stock location.
my new bracket and bolts are steel and will not break i tell you.and if your replacement steel L brackets or steel bolts break or come loose,you didnt do it right.
I was riding my HUFFY CRANBROOK monday when the L-bracket on the front fender broke the fender rotated around and pushed the brake into the fat part of the tire flipping the bike end over end, I was thrown over the handlebars and landed on the blacktop. Luckly I was wearing a good helment, but my left shoulder, elbow and side received a lot of road rash.
I was lucky that I didn't have any broken bones but my shoulder is so sore that I can barely move it.
I have read the post that say you should remove the front fender to keep this from happing but stuff like that happenes to other people.
Take my word for it remove the front fender or you may be one of the other people

I was at wallmart today and they had a cranbrook like the one I wrecked. I noticed that they had reinforced the front fender bracket that went under the fork wit a tab on each side.
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