bike shaking badly at low speeds

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runs fine when going over 8MPh any slower, and the bike starts shaking badly, and pulling me ahead in short jerks, if i pull in the clutch it runs fine,so i know its not the engine. its somewhere in the chain, but i cant tell where!!! i adjusted everything, and the chain moves pretty smoothly, sprockets are aligned, i cant find out the problem!!!!!

Bike is rideable, but I feel like its falling apart when i go slow.
i had the experience to with that it is the motor cuz you know it you go slow enough the bike will stall. its going slow almost to the point whare it is about to stall is what its doing its giveing it gas but misfireing alot. i dont usually go under 10 - 15 mph without pushing the cluch cuz mine will shake to
In a car that is a sign you need to downshift to a lower gear or pull in the clutch. Since you can't switch gears, I would guess the answer is pull the clutch and coast.

What size is your driven sprocket? 36, 44, 50 teeth? The more teeth the slower you will be able to go without "lugging" the engine, as it's called, but the slower your top speed will be.

I would guess that this is not unusual, but can't say for sure since I've never operated a motored bike. ;-)

Hope this helps,
My bike always gave me smooth power even at 3MPh, I never had this happen before. So you guys are saying its misfiring? I should get a new spark plug?
JosephGarcia said:
My bike always gave me smooth power even at 3MPh, I never had this happen before. So you guys are saying its misfiring? I should get a new spark plug?

tell you the truth im really impreassed that it can do 3mph with the clutch disengaged. mine would never do that. if your bike is running and idleing good and it dose not sound like its misfireing then the spark plug should be good. im saying is these motors dont have an automatic clutch its like in a car if you go to slow with a manual clutch it will stall without pushing the clutch in. so thats what im saying going to slow on the bike is makeing the motor turn over slower then normal.
since I got it, it pushed me along at very slow speeds incredibly smoothly, I thought it was normal. I only pulled the clutch when I came to a complete stop. Well I got a replacement sparkplug and I see way better performance and start up, but it still kinda shutters at low speeds. Guess I have to deal with it now, huh?

I guess good things don't last forever. lol
Be happy it will run at that low of a speed.

10 MPH is a good speed to call a "low speed limit''.
Actually minimum speed is whatever the engine will tolerate, i.e. bucking. For some it can be as little as 3mph and others it can be higher.

I personally can putz aroun day long at 3-4 mph but that's because I usually run a 48-50 tooth size sprocket. On my 44 tooth sprocket bike, 8-10 mph is as low as it can go before it bucks.
mine will pull me along level even during warm-up idle, rcjunkie's right, it's whatever the engine can keep on i'll take a wild stab:

is it something as simple as idle adjustment, or debris in the carb?

are you using an inline fuel filter?
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