Egor, thank you.......this was my second attempt at rebuilding one of these engines( th' top half, anyway) that worked! I WAS gonna use th' old various parts piston / rings/and cyl. ......I sanded, and polished 'em pretty good. But, th' only upper rod bearing I could find was from my very FIRST engine.......... and it had a crack in it. Most of the local hardware stores had bearings that didnt fit right. Soooo.....I ordered a new piston, rings,upper rod bearings(4) and a cylinder. THATS why it looks "lean". Besides, I always wanted to see what these parts looked like in my hand. Pretty cool. I agree Egor.... The potential for vacuum leaks, and problematic, tune-ability issues had occured to me......but, these carbs are so simple and easy to deal with. I couldnt resist. Egor......... i agree. It helps to think how an old rochester Q-jet when using the throttle. (the two primary barrels would do the majority of the work. But, at mid to full throttle.....the other two barrels would kick in.) I jetted th' primary carb (on the left) alittle' secondary carb I jetted stock for now to see which way to tune it. Feels pretty good as is.....but I think it'd go faster with more jetting on the secondary.