Exhaust Bought new exhaust lost power!

I'm having a hard time understanding the logic in this thread xD He said he bought a new EXHAUST and the bike got slower... Why hasn't anyone asked him to show this new exhaust? It is propably utter crap and thus the reason for his power loss. And this checking your mixture by looking at spark plug while engine is hot... What a way to over complicate things! This is not a Formula 1 engine we are dealing with here! Plenty of simple lean/rich instruction videos on youtube that will solve all problems that such a simple engine has.

Explain yourselves, people!
You've never put an exhaust on literally anything carbureted have you? Whether it's a fourwheeler, motorcycle, or car you need to tune the carburetor after. Same with any intake modifications. A crappy exhaust can still be made to run good: Ex... The stock exhaust. And well made motorcycles, fourwheelers, amd cars are way more forgiving than a single cylinder small displacement engine.

Fuel injection is self tuning, carburetion is not. These bikes are not fuel injected.

Good enough explanation of the painfully obvious???
Why hasn't anyone asked him to show this new exhaust?
Why didn't you look at his picture of his exhaust in post number 17 ???

Here it is again since you totally missed it by not carefully observing.

I also enlarged it just for you on his post as well as this one so your able to see it more clearly.

And my eye doctor tells me I'm going blind with my macular degeneration???...lol.

I'm having a hard time understanding the logic in this thread xD He said he bought a new EXHAUST and the bike got slower... Why hasn't anyone asked him to show this new exhaust? It is propably utter crap and thus the reason for his power loss. And this checking your mixture by looking at spark plug while engine is hot... What a way to over complicate things! This is not a Formula 1 engine we are dealing with here! Plenty of simple lean/rich instruction videos on youtube that will solve all problems that such a simple engine has.

Explain yourselves, people!
Because the OP posted a spark plug picture in his very first post and asked about fueling because he was trying to read the spark plug to get an idea of what fueling adjustments would be needed.
I was running stock exhaust with cap off and bike was hauling a$$ but I bought an exhaust off Amazon and the bike is quiet but does not go as fast! I put new plug in and do not know difference between lean and rich but this is the color I got is it ok?

If you are going to be condescending to people, at least take the time to write something with a little more thought behind it. You tried to sound smarter than everybody else but ended up just looking like the back end of a forward walking horse.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/thesimpsons-3o6Mb4v6aPyDSsoRG0

Explain yourself, person.
Because the OP posted a spark plug picture in his very first post and asked about fueling because he was trying to read the spark plug to get an idea of what fueling adjustments would be needed.

If you are going to be condescending to people, at least take the time to write something with a little more thought behind it. You tried to sound smarter than everybody else but ended up just looking like the back end of a forward walking horse.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/thesimpsons-3o6Mb4v6aPyDSsoRG0

Explain yourself, person.

Made me laugh.
First! Thank you for posting my condescending comment for all to see. Been to platforms where they have nonsensical safe spaces and can't tolerate anything uncomfortable!

Second! My answers to y'all!

Gordy: You didn't apparently read well enough. You said I didn't understand the need to adjust to a new exhaust by changing air/fuel mixture. No. I criticized your method of helping him figure out whether he needed to go leaner or richer or neither. I even gave an advice to rather go and see a well explained video from youtube. They usually direct people to take their ear to their hand and listen because the bogs between rich and lean are pretty easy to distinguish between.

Damien: I don't remember anyone asking him to show the exhaust he got. He did that of his own accord. And since it should be common knowledge on this forum that chinese expansion chambers might have some interesting surprises inside of them (referring to a picture of a banana-pipe having been cut open to reveal horrible piping instead of a smooth chamber), I find it logical to assume they might all be, as I said, utter crap and thus potentially just worse than the stock muffler. And so one would assume it to be a question that would be asked first. What gave anyone the right to assume he knows anything about the validity of his exhaust, since he cannot figure out the air fuel mixture by himself.

ImpulseRocket: Read above messages to Gordy and Damien, to understand why it was logical to ignore his request of spark plug analysis and ask about his exhaust first and direct him to a good bogging-video instead.
And for your other point! Do you have a problem with condescending talk and other minor insults? Or only when you feel that you are the one who is looked down upon? You yourself talk condescendingly about others who make foolish remarks or believe in something you find to be stupid. You might virtue signal and lie that you don't, but you do anyway. So... I take it that it is only a problem when you are the subject.

Lasty for you all! Why so serious! Are you trying to keep this nice forum here as a sanctuary for the Holy One of Israel or something? No little scuffles and dirty underhanded punches here and there? Geez... You are all living in a world where evil and injustice are the norm and what is to be expected, and you worry about me venting out my frustrations in the form of condescending commentary. None of you actually even considered the possibility that I might actually stand above you all, thus having the right to talk to you in a condescending manner.

Over and out. I am looking forward to the continuation of this!
Lasty for you all! Why so serious! Are you trying to keep this nice forum here as a sanctuary for the Holy One of Israel or something? No little scuffles and dirty underhanded punches here and there? Geez... You are all living in a world where evil and injustice are the norm and what is to be expected, and you worry about me venting out my frustrations in the form of condescending commentary. None of you actually even considered the possibility that I might actually stand above you all, thus having the right to talk to you in a condescending manner.

Over and out. I am looking forward to the continuation of this
I couldn't care if you were pope Francis. I don't take disrespect from anyone unless it's warranted. And taking out frustration on other people is a terrible thing to do.
I couldn't care if you were pope Francis. I don't take disrespect from anyone unless it's warranted. And taking put frustration on other people is a terrible thing to do.
Ah! The pope... Compared to his sorry @ss, I am literally a god, but anywho! I still recommend to you and all others to ditch this spark plug analysis as a method to teach rich/lean to a newbie, and instead make them learn what are the differences between lean and rich bogs. OYea.
The pope... Compared to his sorry @ss, I am literally a god,
I still recommend to you and all others to ditch this spark plug analysis as a method to teach rich/lean to a newbie, and instead make them learn what are the differences between lean and rich bogs.
It's worked for many newbies, and is much more cut and dried than just listening to the bog. As well as it is much easier to explain, especially with the chart that is commonly posted along with the advice to check the plugs. (Which can be found in the resources section.)
Instead of assuming an antagonistic tone with your 1st post, and trying to change the way the folks on the forum work by your 4th, how about head on over to the introductions section, tell us about yourself, what builds (If you have any) you've got going, the builds you've made, etc.
Look forward to seeing your introduction!