Exhaust Bought new exhaust lost power!

Ah! The pope... Compared to his sorry @ss, I am literally a god, but anywho! I still recommend to you and all others to ditch this spark plug analysis as a method to teach rich/lean to a newbie, and instead make them learn what are the differences between lean and rich bogs. OYea.
I didn't see any qualifications from you either.

It's worked for many newbies, and is much more cut and dried than just listening to the bog. As well as it is much easier to explain, especially with the chart that is commonly posted along with the advice to check the plugs. (Which can be found in the resources section.)
Instead of assuming an antagonistic tone with your 1st post, and trying to change the way the folks on the forum work by your 4th, how about head on over to the introductions section, tell us about yourself, what builds (If you have any) you've got going, the builds you've made, etc.
Look forward to seeing your introduction!
Thank you for your level-headed message.

My answer: Disagree or not, there is nothing complicated about listening to bogs and I (as a representative of an average person) understood it very easily when it was explained to me.

For the personal part: You are (like the others) trying to impose your standards of conduct on me and I am doing the same to you. May the last man standing take it all! ...is the name of the game we all play.
Of course you have the power to shrug me off by deleting my account and so on, but for me that is a victory.

As for your introduction advice, I shall do so. I am proud of my creation!
First! Thank you for posting my condescending comment for all to see. Been to platforms where they have nonsensical safe spaces and can't tolerate anything uncomfortable!

Second! My answers to y'all!

Gordy: You didn't apparently read well enough. You said I didn't understand the need to adjust to a new exhaust by changing air/fuel mixture. No. I criticized your method of helping him figure out whether he needed to go leaner or richer or neither. I even gave an advice to rather go and see a well explained video from youtube. They usually direct people to take their ear to their hand and listen because the bogs between rich and lean are pretty easy to distinguish between.

Damien: I don't remember anyone asking him to show the exhaust he got. He did that of his own accord. And since it should be common knowledge on this forum that chinese expansion chambers might have some interesting surprises inside of them (referring to a picture of a banana-pipe having been cut open to reveal horrible piping instead of a smooth chamber), I find it logical to assume they might all be, as I said, utter crap and thus potentially just worse than the stock muffler. And so one would assume it to be a question that would be asked first. What gave anyone the right to assume he knows anything about the validity of his exhaust, since he cannot figure out the air fuel mixture by himself.

ImpulseRocket: Read above messages to Gordy and Damien, to understand why it was logical to ignore his request of spark plug analysis and ask about his exhaust first and direct him to a good bogging-video instead.
And for your other point! Do you have a problem with condescending talk and other minor insults? Or only when you feel that you are the one who is looked down upon? You yourself talk condescendingly about others who make foolish remarks or believe in something you find to be stupid. You might virtue signal and lie that you don't, but you do anyway. So... I take it that it is only a problem when you are the subject.

Lasty for you all! Why so serious! Are you trying to keep this nice forum here as a sanctuary for the Holy One of Israel or something? No little scuffles and dirty underhanded punches here and there? Geez... You are all living in a world where evil and injustice are the norm and what is to be expected, and you worry about me venting out my frustrations in the form of condescending commentary. None of you actually even considered the possibility that I might actually stand above you all, thus having the right to talk to you in a condescending manner.

Over and out. I am looking forward to the continuation of this!
I get to be condescending because I AM in a position to talk down to you. See how it works out that way? Continue to argue against me and I will show you exactly WHY you don't want to poke this bear. Your attempt to play the victim is also falling on deaf ears.

You already posted your comment for all to see, btw. I simply used the forum's reply feature. You will notice that I simply answered your rather stupid question with pointing out that the simple use of your brain cells would have answered your own question. Your entire reply and every subsequent reply to this post has been crafted to illicit responses and doesn't add any real value to the conversation

It's obvious you are only here to cause drama. Keep going and I can resolve that issue very quickly. Tone it down or get escorted away.
Lasty for you all! Why so serious! Are you trying to keep this nice forum here as a sanctuary for the Holy One of Israel or something? No little scuffles and dirty underhanded punches here and there? Geez... You are all living in a world where evil and injustice are the norm and what is to be expected, and you worry about me venting out my frustrations in the form of condescending commentary. None of you actually even considered the possibility that I might actually stand above you all, thus having the right to talk to you in a condescending manner.
We actually like our little "sanctuary" that we have created here...We have achieved that by throwing troublemakers out and keeping them from dominating the forum ever again...We learned to do that years ago when there was a humungous war here started by those who thought they were better than everyone else, knew more about bikes and motors etc.

We all hang up any oversized egos at the door before entering and we cooperate together willingly for the common good of all our forum members.

venting out my frustrations in the form of condescending commentary. None of you actually even considered the possibility that I might actually stand above you all, thus having the right to talk to you in a condescending manner.

NO ONE has the "right" to talk to ANY of our membership in a condescending manner

Over and out. I am looking forward to the continuation of this!

I am sure you are, however since it is obvious to not only myself but to other members who have left me numerous PMs today that every single one of your posts is this way, I am going to end the problem right now.

People like you live and breathe to be antagonistic, narcissistic, egocentric,"keyboard warriors" and the internet is full of your type so we are just going to part ways right now rather than "entertain" you any further.

Good-Bye and have a nice life...DAMIEN

And just to show you that we really DO have a sense of humour around here, I have posted a couple of going away presents for you...There are two videos below for your viewing pleasure to show you just how we all feel about you and what you just tried to foist upon our little "Sanctuary" as you so eloquently put it.

Have a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy4mztkndHk

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8OJBB1wldQ
You are (like the others) trying to impose your standards of conduct on me and I am doing the same to you. May the last man standing take it all! ...is the name of the game we all play.
Of course you have the power to shrug me off by deleting my account and so on, but for me that is a victory.

Your very first post was doing what your still doing, so it is actually YOU trying to impose YOUR standards upon us.

Yes, we DO have the power to shrug you off and ban you from the forums and so on...lol...Consider this YOUR victory as you pointed out previously that it would be if we decided to ban you, you may now consider yourself VICTORIOUS !!!
Your very first post was doing what your still doing, so it is actually YOU trying to impose YOUR stndards upon us.

Yes, we DO have the power to shrug you off and ban you from the forums and so on...lol...Consider this YOUR victory as you pointed out previously that it would be if we decided to ban you, you may now consider yourself VICTORIOUS !!!
Looks like we all came off winning!😉