This dude appeared to be a computer hulk hogan, in person facing people, a pee wee Herman. My understanding was he was in Finland? This proves having sexual relations with reindeer can adversely affect a person’s mental capacity.
This dude appeared to be a computer hulk hogan, in person facing people, a pee wee Herman. My understanding was he was in Finland? This proves having sexual relations with reindeer can adversely affect a person’s mental capacity.
I doubt he was from Finland. Probably just another routine troll lying about their location and using a VPN. His English was way too American and way too natural.
I doubt he was from Finland. Probably just another routine troll lying about their location and using a VPN. His English was way too American and way too natural.
Thats another reason why we now have those clocks on the far left bottom of our little profile thingys when we hover over a screen name...They can use VPNs to their hearts content but the time zones will always give them away.
Aki's time and time zone coincide with Finland being the actual location.
You can tell a lot about someone by their words and the way they display them, it also will give a hint in how they were reared! But I still think he needs to leave the REINDEER alone ! Lol