Also any idea why an ngk fixed my issue? I'm just's so odd to me that a brand new spark plug still produced my symptoms of hard starting and only running on full throttle but getting the ngk one fixed all those issues....I'm genuinely curious
Many of us on many occasions have mentioned that the cheap "Chinesium" Z series spark plugs that come with these motor kits are complete and utter
Symptoms of water in your tank???
Even tho it's getting a nice good spark when I hold it to the cylinder it can still fail? It might be leaking or something.
Need porting
Hey guys I’m new to the forum. I’m looking for a way to port my “80”cc Imaycc. I have some mechanical abilities but I’m not sure I can do it (sounds complicated with all the software etc). Can anybody give me some hints, tips and resources? Does anyone in south Florida port small engines?
There are many, many, more posts and thread on this subject but you get the