I just got into motorized biking a bit ago, about 3 months I've had mine finished, and I just finished breaking it in.
As a kid whos trying to get a job, I cant really afford too many upgrades. I did want to get some cheap ones like a new banana exhaust, boost bottle and like a spring loaded chain tensioner. While looking though, I saw boost bottles are not anything special and just a bottle that goes into the carb. So I got the carbuerator tube that goes from the carb to the engine that has the little nozzle for the boost bottle, and just and bought another nozzle and 2 ft of tubing, got a can of NOS and an old gatorade bottle (Gatorade bottles are a lot thicker and harder plastic than normal soda bottles and they can hold compressed air) and decided to put them together with some loctite and electric tape.
This is the final product, the carb pipe comes in tommorow so I will keep you guys updated with photos and text! Tell me if I shouldnt be doing this.
I think it looks pretty cool to be honest!