Calling all Honda 4 strokes with Grubee Gearbox


Local time
8:41 AM
Apr 10, 2008
I have a Honda 50 cc with the Grubee gearbox with a 56 tooth sprocket. I was wondering if anyone out there has the same setup but with a 44-36 tooth sprocket. My top speed now is around 32mph(full throttle). I would like to be able to cruise at 35(not reving the engine way up), with decent low end:D. Can someone let me know what sprocket I will need to do this? Thanks
This is for Bicycle repair&mod!
Please post your motor stuff in the proper forum! louis
what does that mean?

If this was a Grubee kit, the 4-cycle engine that he provides is NOT a Honda. It's a Chinese clone. I'm not even sure if the bolt-pattern on the clone is the same as the genuine Honda. There's consistent chatter that the grubee engine was "designed by Honda." Probably a closer to reality statement of actual events is along the lines that the Honda engine was reverse engineered by the Chinese manufacturers, and is being sold by them as a knock-off, with no money ever being given to Honda for their engine design. So, not only did they lift the design, they're using Honda's name, too...

sexwaxsurfer15 - is this a frame mount, or a rack mount?
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well to get to your post i have the same set up on a 48 tooth get in about 35 mph with no governor the motor is at high rpm's. lgoin what is the point telling evryone that they don't have a Honda mine is stamped in the case in aluminum razed letters HONDA
the dude has like 10 post :eek:
well to get to your post i have the same set up on a 48 tooth get in about 35 mph with no governor the motor is at high rpm's. lgoin what is the point telling evryone that they don't have a Honda mine is stamped in the case in aluminum razed letters HONDA
the dude has like 10 post :eek:

Have to agree with Masterlink. The Grubee gearbox can be used with either a Honda or HuaSheng 142FG. They both have the same diameter output shaft and mounting bolt pattern. The Honda has a little more power and can give you a little more speed under the same circumstances.

honda and gear ratio

i had the 56 tooth on my honda and topped out at about 30 mph, but can hit 35 consistently on flats with my 48 tooth (almost 40 if i do #1 and 2 before i ride). sexwax, why dont you put on the smaller than 48 and tell us what happens...kind of seams like its too small, like you will rev out your motor, but i have never tried it. just remember, the pistons are right below your jaw, so if they pop out it could be bad.