Even though it is running great, it may still run even better with some carb tuning if you want to attempt that. If you post a fairly high resolution close up photo of the plug people could make jetting suggestions to improve it.
Also, as was suggested, a compression test would help but should be done with the throttle wide open.
Yes I need to do a compression test , I need to get a tester. a few people told me to run 40 to 1 ratio that 20 to 1 was to thick in oil. I went 1 gallon to 3 1/2 ounces ran great 1st night now it's bogging again granted it's cold here (Illinois) I figure I'm ganna drain the gas tank again and try 30 to 1.
I know I should be posting pics I always plan to then I get caught up in just getting what I'm working on finished.
I'll be out working on it in a few hours I just drove it to the corner hardware store for some supplies and to see how it ran. it's boggy and skippy.
I need it running by tomorrow to get to work