Hey all, I've been having some trouble with the clutch on my bike. I can't adjust it so that it catches enough to start the engine while still disengaging when i pull the lever in. I've tried "resetting" the clutch adjustment (loosening cable lock, taking clutch plate off, tightening cable lock, turning flower nut hand tight plus 2 notches). I've tried loosening the flower nut and tightening the cable and vice versa. I've sanded down the clutch pads with fine grain sand paper and wiped the pads and plate down with rubbing alcohol. sometimes the clutch will only catch at lower speeds and i can hear the cylinder chugging but then if i try to get it up to a sufficient speed to start it, i don't hear the transmission turning. Then, if i get the clutch tight enough to finally start the engine, I can't get the clutch to disengage so I can't idle or anything. Has anyone had a similar problem? Thanks y'all