Just wanted to fill everyone in with some new details. I decided to put my ebay engine back on the frame with the 36t sprocket. It was as slow as dirt!!! I could sprint faster than that thing, it took about 20 seconds to get top speed on flat. Dont even get me started on the hills. It did have some good top speed once it got up in the RPMs but it was so slow it was almost a hazard on the streets near me. This could also be the fact that i broke the piston ring and put a 49mm ring back in it when its supposed to have a 50mm, not sure but it was really slow. The old and new ring looked identical visibly when installed on the piston.
The Zeda was a million times better in terms of acceleration. I threw it back on the frame and decided it was good enough for me until my phantom comes. (the phantom is back in stock on bicycle-engines, hope my order is fulfilled soon through motoredlife)
As long as you are easy on the throttle, the Zeda way outperforms a stock motor. Anything over half throttle is useless and does nothing and will bog it hard. Also i forget who recommended the chainsaw plug but turns out that was also hurting my performance. The end of that plug is so shallow it wont even clear the bottom part of the head of the Zeda! I put the stock plug in and it actually ran a lot better.