Central Coast, California - Possible meet sometime?


Active Member
Local time
6:02 PM
Aug 4, 2006
Moraga/San Luis Obispo, CA
How about a Central Coast ride? I know we have 2 members in Los Osos, myself in SLO, and a member in Oceano. Ive seen 2 guys at my school on motorized bicycles but never got the chance to flag them down and tell them about the site.
Central Coast

I have a friend in Paso Robles who would like to ride. He's non-computer literate at this point but is a great guy, and a Machinist/Hi-performance mechanic. My brother is also in the area, off 41 at Toro creek rd, he is barely computer literate. If you-all would like to contact me, here in Sacramento, I can either give you thier telephone numbers, or visa-versa. My brother probably still has a 26" china-bike, does have a 24" mid 1950's cleveland that I built for his wife, and he has an auto-clutch Whizzer, Tom has 2 china-bikes and a killer custom made rear sprocket mount that works without eating wheels, but they are custom made to each hub diameter. Let me know
mike3simpsonmotorbikes.com (replace the 3 with the @)
Thanks, Mike
I'll keep it in mind Mike. I may not be on this board for much longer but do have your site marked and do have Tom' addy.
A trip up the coast is in order this Summer. The roughest part will be getting from LB to SB, then the Southern part of the SF peninsula. Funny how much warmer it is just 30 miles inland from the damp coast.
I've been reading user reviews of the BOB Yak (single wheel) trailers because I was a white linner for many years, loved splitting traffic and must go where the handle bars can go. :)
Central Coast Happening

Helloooooo from way up in Sacramento. As I told you-all in an earlier post my brother lives in Atascadero. Last year my wife, brother, nephew, Tom (from Paso), and Miles (from templeton) and I rode power bikes in the Templeton 4th of July Parade as a commercial entry for him as a Whizzer Dealer. We were joined by my neice and a couple of other relatives on pedal bikes. We decorated the bikes in Red White and blue and ran american flags on all of them. A very fun Family event.
I rode the 08, with Brother and wife on Whizzers, nephew on Skyhawk Round head and Tom on some "China-Fire".
We are currently planning to do this even again, not sure if Miles can make it, but pretty clear on the rest of the riders.
Would any of you locals like to join us and meet my family and friends from your area? If you wanted to ride in the pardae group that would be cool, and if not, ok anyway. This parade is held in shut-down streets in Templeton, and is a fun home-town parade with a twist, and that twist is local businesses put up entrys, and are announced from 2 or 3 points in the parade "plugging" thier business.
Secondlt, Tom, if you wanted to, you could organize your guys, and either ride ahead or behind us, and have your own loudspeaker advert, that is if it is already not too late to enter at that level. Let me know, Mike
4th of July Parade

Hi my brother informs me that the parade should start around 8am in some main street in Templeton. I think it was about 2 miles last year and was very fun. We look foward to meeting you-all, Mike