No option for the spacer... there is no more room with the disc back there. yeah, I'm left with the "grinder" option" I suspect. I'm guessing I'll get some clanking from the area for ever however ... even with it cleaned up a bit.
Here's the solution, pull the engine off and grind the inside of the mount where it meets the down tube, make the mount the same shape as the tube. Get out BFH and give the stud a whack and put it back together.
Pretty close to what I was going to say as well...Also notice that my front mount is the same shape as the tube which is one of the major reasons why I recommend the CNC front mount if you don't or can't make your own...notice as well, that the motor is set back from the front tube, not on top of it...The way the motor is sitting in place has a lot to do with the clearance issue you are having.
Keep in mind, I am using the exact same Hyper frame that you are using.
I do nothing by accident or luck...There is a reason I do things the way I do and try to help others to do likewise...That motor is set back for a reason with that front mount for a reason, and set higher than most people mount motors for a reason.
You are now seeing just one of the reasons why I didn't have this problem and you are having this clearance problem.
That isn't going to change the distance between the front sprocket and the outside of said motor mount. I "might" get 1/32" maybe I suspect... it's already pretty snug on the seat tube...