cleaning your white walls



as you know these get dirty fast. i have heard people over and over again say they are imposible to clean. try a brillo pad the oxyaction i like the best. you dont have to scrub just rub around and will make those white wall tires look like new again.
So, Actspaul, are you telling us that the oxy works or just repeating what someone else has said to you? I have whitewalls on one of mine and have been using white shoe polish to touch it up. Doesn't work the best but helps. If you are sure about the oxy, I will give it a try. Which oxy?
i have been cleaning my tires for years with this. yes it works and they will look like new. on the box it will say brillo oxyaction. brillo pads are made for cleaning grease and oils off pans the stainless and old fashion cast iron ones. the combination of the powerful soap in them and the ultra fine steelwool they are made of will do the trick. do not scrub hard you just want to get the grease and stuff out of the pours on the tires. i think you will be real happy with the results. they are also great for any fisherman that want to make their cork handles like brand new again.
Brillo pads?

HI good info, I might like to try that as backup on really tough jobs as it will "scrub" the top layer off in some casesm ands at times that would be good!

Out west here we use an old-fashioned pump-bottle spray-on called "Westleys Bleche White" been using that stuff sinch the Beatles hit the shores here (if ya don't know when, you can google it!)

"bleche white" was found in every shop i ever worked in. it's good stuff, and with a stiff brush it can be mighty effective in those tough cases, too.

i bet the brillo-oxy makes a great carry-on item. seems like if you can get to something before it stains, you'd have a nicer looking tire for a lot longer :)