Clutch arm alignment

Mike Cyanide

Well-Known Member
Local time
1:37 PM
Jun 24, 2024
Rochester NH
Semi new to this. Long time mechanic here. Got a motor from a caveman that managed to strip everything. Now functioning. Had to replace clutch shaft. Pulled clutch from a blown yd100. Now the clutch arm is missing aligned. Can't figure out why. Every thing appears to function.but I feel like maybe it isn't pressed on far enough. HELP.!
Welcome to the forums Mike.

I like the Cyanide part on the last part of your moniker...Should have slipped some of that to my might have been cheaper than

First thing is to find out if you have everything adjusted up to where it should be before trying to troubleshoot anything else.

That is why I created this tutorial in the URL below to help others out trying to figure out these tempermental little

The last place I lived in New Hampshire until I retired late 2010 was at Royal Crest in moved here to Alamogordo, NM, July 8th of 2011 to retire...Money goes much further here then it does on the
Semi new to this. Long time mechanic here. Got a motor from a caveman that managed to strip everything. Now functioning. Had to replace clutch shaft. Pulled clutch from a blown yd100. Now the clutch arm is missing aligned. Can't figure out why. Every thing appears to function.but I feel like maybe it isn't pressed on far enough. HELP.!
Does your clutch arm have a big divot in the side? I've had to weld a couple of those divots up in the past.
Thank you! It's been my name for a very long time. Lol the man himself "...DAMIEN" first of all thank u for all the knowledge. I learned 99% of these bikes from your posts. So here the up to speed. Clutch functions properly. Per your info. I read that looking ago. However the arm is at almost a 45 degree angle in. Which is off putting. To be honest I was in a bind and needed wheels so I replaced the shaft the caveman way (hammer+chuck of wood. I know your supposed split the case but I was weary for ever thing else that was stripped. Maybe I just drove it alittle to far thru? And no I have a million drive covers/ clutch arms and bucking bars tried them all.
When ya get a chance, post a few pics, at least one with the clutch lever pulled in and locked in place and one with the lever fully released so we can get a gander of what we are trying to troubleshoot

Overall pics of the bike set-up would be nice as
Oh I've never really been a pro. Outside of needing to take a second job at rochester jiffy lube years back. I love classic cars. I have a 76 f250 running a 460 punched to 557. I never wanted to ruin what I love by fixing Hyundais all day or something. Lol
What would you recommend for 2 stroke literature? I don't wanna bombard you but I have so many questions
I don't have anything that one would call literature on the subject of 2 strokes but you will have the equivalent of a college eductaion on the subject just by reading the forums