gt5a has has been through two or three gallons of so far- so just barely past break in. Went to fire it up couple days ago by pedaling and popping the clutch instantly heard something of a metallic sound and then the bike just coasted. No resistance from compression whatsoever. Chain turns on small sprocket. No big deal. pulled the spark plug to look inside, the piston appears to be moving but it sure doesn't when plug in and pushing bike around. No sound of air or anything from around head gasket. What gets me is the magento doesn't spin though it looks like it want's to. I'm guessing something down in the lower crank case. Any one have any thoughts they can offer before I go in? I've never done a lower end opening before (not one that ran afterwards anyways). Know of any troublesome crap chinese parts that have a habit of breaking down in there? I am really worried that once apart I will not be able to get it back together and have it run again....