"Compression Braking" and High Revs


Local time
4:48 PM
May 18, 2008
In an effort to spare my brakes I've been using the compression of my engine to slow me ( not on hills). Is this bad?

Also- I've noticed after I've been crusing/WOT that when I finally come to a stop (intersection, stop light etc). My engine doesn't idle down like it should, instead it stays high revving. What does this mean? Can I fix this?
With 2 strokes you have to be careful about "off throttle" braking. These engines LIVE on the oil that is in the fuel. If you are going fast, at no throttle, with clutch engaged, you are supplying the engine with less oil than might be needed as the engine is still turning at high RPM's..
Ya can't pull the clutch in with the engine revving at high RPMs either to brake....the shock would damage the engine. I think the best method, especially with stop signs, is to just let off on the throttle little by little.
Using your brakes might work, try it see if they are worthy of being called BRAKES! LOL
I guess what I meant to say was that even while using my brakes to come to a stop, I'll try to throttle down after an extended period of cruising, when I come to a stop and have to pull the clutch in, the engine is staying in a high rpm. Almost screaming at times.

The bike has come to a complete stop, and the clutch is pulled in, and the engine sounds like it's still at the last speed I was just driving at. My idle screw is set fine, but it's only happening after a long ride where I've been crusing for a long time.
Interesting question but truthfully I have tied compression braking on my bike and it really doesn't seem to offer much in the way of braking....I wonder if sprocket size affects it much?....On thing I did think of but haven't tried (since I have not hooked up my kill switch (I will when I get a chance tho)....I always choke the engine off)....is killing the engine....that should probably give some good braking....Hopefully not so much as to skid the wheel tho.....