Active Member
It did not take long - although yes - there had been some slight cut offs from drivers of those big cars and things - but - yesterday topped them all to date ! Guy on his cell phone in a car turned right in front of me while entering into a business driveway - causing me to almost run into him - key word here should be noted - ALMOST..
First Instinct Was Played Out
I hollered as I put my brakes on -- what the heck !!
Then Second Form of Action Was
to follow him into the parking lot - so as to tell him a few things !!!
Third - Get ready Mountainman -- action time --- maybe ??
The foreigner smiled as he put his hands up in the air
and pointed to his cell phone in his hand
as if to say -- that dang cell phone made me do it.
Well -- I came to my senses
smiled at the man - kind of - and drove away
not sure if I did - but - should have thanked God
that no one got hurt - including me
remember that key word up top --- ALMOST
yes - I almost got hit - but didn't
could have started a fight - over nothing
could have gotten shot - or beat up - not as young as I used to be....
Question for you MB ers
how do you handle it - when cut of ???
Happy Riding from - Mountainman ---- Ride That Thing
First Instinct Was Played Out
I hollered as I put my brakes on -- what the heck !!
Then Second Form of Action Was
to follow him into the parking lot - so as to tell him a few things !!!
Third - Get ready Mountainman -- action time --- maybe ??
The foreigner smiled as he put his hands up in the air
and pointed to his cell phone in his hand
as if to say -- that dang cell phone made me do it.
Well -- I came to my senses
smiled at the man - kind of - and drove away
not sure if I did - but - should have thanked God
that no one got hurt - including me
remember that key word up top --- ALMOST
yes - I almost got hit - but didn't
could have started a fight - over nothing
could have gotten shot - or beat up - not as young as I used to be....
Question for you MB ers
how do you handle it - when cut of ???
Happy Riding from - Mountainman ---- Ride That Thing