Cut Off-Road Rage Controlled-How ? Why ?


Active Member
Local time
5:02 AM
Jun 15, 2008
up top mountain -- Sourthern Ca.
It did not take long - although yes - there had been some slight cut offs from drivers of those big cars and things - but - yesterday topped them all to date ! Guy on his cell phone in a car turned right in front of me while entering into a business driveway - causing me to almost run into him - key word here should be noted - ALMOST..

First Instinct Was Played Out
I hollered as I put my brakes on -- what the heck !!

Then Second Form of Action Was
to follow him into the parking lot - so as to tell him a few things !!!

Third - Get ready Mountainman -- action time --- maybe ??

The foreigner smiled as he put his hands up in the air
and pointed to his cell phone in his hand
as if to say -- that dang cell phone made me do it.

Well -- I came to my senses
smiled at the man - kind of - and drove away

not sure if I did - but - should have thanked God
that no one got hurt - including me

remember that key word up top --- ALMOST
yes - I almost got hit - but didn't
could have started a fight - over nothing
could have gotten shot - or beat up - not as young as I used to be....

Question for you MB ers
how do you handle it - when cut of ???

Happy Riding from - Mountainman ---- Ride That Thing
I go after them and %$^&^$# and %$^&^%# then when that's all done to my satisfaction I %^&^%$# and then just to ensure my victory I $#%^&^%@$ one last time.

You could always ask them: "Would you drive any better if that phone were shoved up your keister?".....from Tom and Ray at CarTalk
I think that you two - and myself
had better attend our first of many sessions tomorrow regarding --

this will come as a learning process - hard for the common man
we will be given slips to be signed by the leader of the group
upon successful completion of 999 classes attended --- each class 4 hours
we will be allowed to return to the roadways
until the time in which
we threaten or harm others - THAT HAVE ALMOST OR HAVE RAN US OVER...

well this type of thing happens to me just about every time I take my bicycle for a ride.. Just yesterday I almost got hit by some freekin soccer mom that was going into a park parking lot. I don't know what is up with the city I am in.. People here are real a holes. I was crossing the street once and someone in a van actually sped up twords me and missed me buy less than a foot. I had to slam on my brakes once when A car decided to turn in front of me, and when I barely missed them I heard them yell f you and then laugh.

Generally I just give them a mean look, but I am getting really sick of all the close calls.. I think if they parked and there was nowone around and they were real a holes I may slash a tire to keep em off the road... But maybe not.
xlastshotx -- your thoughts and feelings are understood - you are a young person who is dealing with much in regards to ones driving cars that seem to be BLIND AS BATS !! So as to help you - to deal with this and due to your age - we invite you to our up coming group sessions dealing with ---


if you are still in the hospital
we would be glad to bring a group to you

remember - when hurt by dumb ones in cars
while we are laying there with many broken bones and motionless
how this works - we are not sure
but - it does relieve some of the pain..

Once you are back up - we wish you
Happy Riding from - Mountainman and the recovery from crash group
xlastshotx -- your thoughts and feelings are understood - you are a young person who is dealing with much in regards to ones driving cars that seem to be BLIND AS BATS !! So as to help you - to deal with this and due to your age - we invite you to our up coming group sessions dealing with ---


if you are still in the hospital
we would be glad to bring a group to you

remember - when hurt by dumb ones in cars
while we are laying there with many broken bones and motionless
how this works - we are not sure
but - it does relieve some of the pain..

Once you are back up - we wish you
Happy Riding from - Mountainman and the recovery from crash group

ah the zen of life outside the white line!! always expect honorable cage driver to do wrong thing! leave lots of room for error on both sides!
This is gonna sound SO WRONG but all of us needs to get hit by a car so that we will be AFRAID of all of them when we ride.

There's an area where I cross the major highway via overpass. I MUST use the sidewalk. No way can I use the street.

Anyway the walk signal is on but cars keep zooming by in front of you entering the highway.

People are really REALLY clueless out there.

Ever notice how some street corners the signal button is followed by some beeps? That's supposed to help blind people cross the street. When it makes a certain sound it's safe to cross.

Man. I gotta give blind people PROPS for crossing these streets with all the crazies out there.

I like to think that ALL DRIVERS are blind to US.

But I'll still on occasion knock on a car window and ask the driver if they even saw me and that they almost killed me.

I should get one of them bicycle flags on my ride.

Maybe the bike shops would have them. Wal Mart doesn't.
Two closely related, though opposite, threads -- MBc as a therapeutic, and this one, MBc as a source of distress, and the need for therapy -- anger management therapy, perhaps.

I don't think I will handle being cut off with such...self control.

Time will tell if riding an MBc will be therapeutic, or send me for therapy.

: /
