Carby Dax Carb



I bought a Dax engine kit and had to modify or tinker with almost every part which was kind of challenging but there is one thing I just cannot figure out The engine will not idle at a low rpm. When I come to a complete stop the eng sounds like it's going to explode I hit the kill switch to keep it from over revving.You wouldn't think a NEW engine would have this problem.......
I've cleaned the carb completely but still no help. Has anyone else had this same problem?
adjust the idle screw to idle a little richer cuz mine idled real fast when it was running lean.

"MBc EDIT - This post contains information or advice that knows to be incorrect."
check and see if it is sucking air where the carb mounts to manifold
I have an O-ring in my carb to help...coupla cents at ace
Not the idle screw thing again Jeff! :D

The screw on the Dax carb is for idle SPEED only. However, you may have a lean condition due to several things, including sucking air from around the intake gasket, or the carb to manifold mount itself.

Have you turned the idle SPEED screw out?

Check for air leaks, and loosen the idle SPEED screw.

Let us know what you find.
opps sorry :D

but if you are running a good idle adjustment and it still is running to high then it is defintely a leak in the manifold gasket or the carb it self i would probley say go to the auto store and get some gastet materiel and some silicone gasket sealer and do that thats what i got it works wonderful.
What size O -Ring should I buy? I turned in the side screw the one with the spring on it all the way in and then I backed it out 3 1/2 turns. FYI: I could remove the screw and it wouldn't make a difference all the way in or all the way out No Help!
All bolts are tight. How can I tell if I have an air leak ? I cannot feel any air leaking by the use of my hands.
On top of the carb is a bell shaped, plug screw thing. When you unscrew it, it has a brass cylinder attached to it. Now, on top of the bell shaped screw is a small 1 inch long screw with a single nut on it. This is a barrel adjuster for the throttle CABLE, Slighty unscrew the small nut that is screwed down towards the bell shaped plug dealie, and the screw the barrel itself slightly down into the card for a slower idle speed, tighten the small nut to keep it locked, and test your engine. lower even more for lower speed.

What this does exactly is set the lowest amount that the brass slide can lower down into the carb, set the barrel too high, and the slide will stop short of the idle adjustment screw and let it too much fuel which equals a fast idle. You want to have it set so the barrel can move pretty well down the tube, and hit the idle screw, from that point you can make fine adjustments with it. This is the reason your idle adjustment screw is doing nothing.

If you need pics to help explain, let me know.

This is most effective way to fix idle speed! (from my own experience at least)
No pictures needed . thank you though........that's one of the first things I did was bottom that barrel out which in turn would lower the slide and restrict fuel flow. But that wasn't the fix. Do you have a DAX kit . man those things are built cheap.
I have a Kingsmotorbikes kit.

Well if the barrel adjustment doesn't help, I would search for air leaks.

IT may be that your carb slide is sticking up high. When this happens? Do you have slack in your throttle cable? Check it..IT may be that your slide is sticking. If this happens, Take some Emry Cloth and polish the area of the carb slide that is causing it to stick or bind....Lube with some WD-40 and replace...Enjoy the ride..