Today, after many years, I follow in Risk Man's footsteps.
I finally got my friction drive bike inspected, and ultimately, registered here in Central Flori-duh!
Frankly, it was a real PITA.
All in all, it took 2 trips to my local DMV, and 3 trips to the Regional Office(1hr 30min round-trip by car)
Each of the last 2 visits, they said I needed another, different, completed form....which they failed to provide the time before.

....granted, this is probably only the second time they've ever done this, Risk Man being the first.
Not very expensive. Total price $88. $40 for the inspection, $48 for the registration & plate.
Anyhow, it's finally done, and I'm more than elated!
.....Maybe now that I'm legal, I'll remove the black basket stealthily hiding the GX-50.
*1st pic - my "bicycle" waiting in line to get inspected.
*2nd pic - my "moped" with its clean new license plate.