Texas - you're nuts, man! I used to think "Bad things happen to other people"...but life has taught me that the word "Accident" was created to describe an UNPLANNED EVENT. This is why we wear protective gear -- when the A$$hole on their cell phone decides to turn into traffic in front of you, while you're checking your rearview mirror to pass or change lanes, etc.
If you have friends or family, do THEM a favor and protect your head at least....BTW: I know you get a pretty hot summer sun like we do in FL....I'm wearing a chrome half-shell helmet - it's actually smaller in profile than a bike helmet, and completely reflects the sun and heat! It's COOLER to wear than the bike helmet with the holes all through it.
If you wear a seatbelt, you know the feeling of driving around without it -- you kind of feel naked....After wearing my helmet for 3 days, I feel VERY vulnerable without it. I could care less how "cool" I look....I KNOW I'm a cool guy, and anyone that knows me knows that, too...for the ones that don't, and want to laugh at me...oh well....I'm a big boy and I can take it.
OK, off my soapbox...hope I helped, or wish you the best of luck!