just bought a flat black (to somewhat not draw attention) Vigor Rebel II full face DHR helmet for $30 after shipping on ebay, a DHR fox pressure suit (chest protector, spine turtle shell, shoulder cups, upper arm double density padding, hard elbow pads/cups and for arm pads) for $75 shipped, and hard 661 knee and shin guards for $20, $135 total I also had a pair of old dirtbike gloves laying around too. It may be a bit overkill but one crash going 20 on my old dirt bike cost me 13k in knee surgeries. il wear it all under my jacket and pants to not draw attention.
In my opinion joints are a great thing to protect because you almost always land on your knees/elbows, hands. $135 may have been much for something that only goes 35, but its still 100x less then one hospital bill. il post pics once they come.
I dont think the helmet is DOT approved but it was designed to take hits from those crazy down hillers dropping 30+ft. Oh yeah it weighs in at just over 2lbs too.