Did anyone invest in a DOT helmet and riding jacket?

I can't decide what to wear:ph34r::chinese2::shuriken::donatello::spam::toff::indian_chief:


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I got a bit worried today when I looked down at my speedometer and it said 32 mph (I've been trying to get that higher...), but anyways, with that speed I think I really need to upgrade my protection. Right now the best I've got going for me is a bell bicycle helmet and a sweatshirt. I'm thinking about splurging and buying a nice motorcycle helmet and armored jacket. Has anyone done the same?

The one's I'm looking into are listed in the links below.

Modular Helmet

Cordura Armored Bike Jacket

I forget if I replied to this question, forgive me if i'm repeating myself.

Yes and Yes. I wear a Scorpion full face motorcycle helmet and a Tourmaster armored Cordura water resistant nylon jacket with a fleece liner. Last winter I sometimes wore armored motorcycle cordura pants with CE kneepads as well. I'll admit, its more for warmth than protection. In the summer i'm in shorts and a t-shirt with a billed hat and sunglasses. I wear Motocross style gloves. NEVER ride without gloves! I work with my hands so if I tear them up the bills don't get paid. I run an electric BD36 so i'm not getting anywhere near those speeds.
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Riding armor

Hi yeah, I wear a DOT half-shell (sell them also) and many times a black leather jacket!

My Snell Paid For Itself!

:helmet:I bought a 3/4 face Snell helmet four months ago. While entering the parking garage, I tried to sneak in behind a car past the arm that rises and falls at the entrance. The arm dropped quickly and hit my helmet, which caused me to lose control. That drove me and my bike into the concrete pillar...

HEAD FIRST!!!:helmet:

When the lot attendant rushed to my side, I yelled out "I'm all right, I'm all right."

And I was...all right. Not even a headache. Only paint scrapes from the pillar.:helmet:

I had to fill out an accident report. My basket was bent, but I squeezed it back into shape. My engine and bike was fine, no damage.

Now I squeeze past the arm every day, then pedal and full throttle both engines up the ramp. Bad on the clutches, but safe for my head. :helmet:

I don't wear a helmet cause I ride on the bike trails and sidewalks so no drunk drivers,yo.

... some of them do look pretty cool,though.

LF, you've mispoken.

Remember the thousands of miles on your Dax/Titan engine...and the deaf truck driver that hit you?

ALL MBers need a helmet.:helmet:
HA Oh wow

Oh about the clutch youll get plenty of mile doing just what ever you please. I have 5500 miles on the friction plate Ive got.another 2000 before I check it again. Carefull Bud.
just bought a flat black (to somewhat not draw attention) Vigor Rebel II full face DHR helmet for $30 after shipping on ebay, a DHR fox pressure suit (chest protector, spine turtle shell, shoulder cups, upper arm double density padding, hard elbow pads/cups and for arm pads) for $75 shipped, and hard 661 knee and shin guards for $20, $135 total I also had a pair of old dirtbike gloves laying around too. It may be a bit overkill but one crash going 20 on my old dirt bike cost me 13k in knee surgeries. il wear it all under my jacket and pants to not draw attention.
In my opinion joints are a great thing to protect because you almost always land on your knees/elbows, hands. $135 may have been much for something that only goes 35, but its still 100x less then one hospital bill. il post pics once they come.
I dont think the helmet is DOT approved but it was designed to take hits from those crazy down hillers dropping 30+ft. Oh yeah it weighs in at just over 2lbs too.
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In my experienced opinion anything over 20mph requires a full face helmet. It really doesn't matter whether its motocross style with goggles or street/road bike style with a flip up visor. you wont always hit your face when your crash but the 1 time you do without one will really F you up. If your on a budget look up the BELL MOTO series (1 through i think 11 now) they started making them in the late 70s so theres a TON of old surplus anywhere for $10 and up I wore a moto 3 growing up and up till last year wore a moto 4 (late 80s model). If you go to a motorcycle shop they will say that anything over 4 years old wont protect you because the fiberglass has rotted thats BullS*** they just want to sell you a $400 helmet. check out Ebay. But thats just my opinion.

quick edit check this out http://www.obairlann.net/reaper/motorcycle/beginner/images/impacts.gif (i hope this link works)
oops on my bfriends site he knows what hes doing but id rather here it from someone besides the "protector"