Helmet Fit
Be sure to read the sizing and fit recommendations by the manufactures. If it isn't a snug fit, you head will bounce around like a BB in a basketball.
I tossed a "Half Shell" helmet that I bought in the 60s last year. The fiberglass seemed as sound as when it was new. Likewise the hard foam also seemed to be in good shape. The soft foam pads though were toast.
The half shell didn't really offer much protection for me when riding my trail bikes, but at least the family would have most of my head to bury. )
Old heads don't bounce much, but young ones also aren't bullet proof. I have a friend in his 40s now. He was injured around 20 years ago in a motorcycle accident. Due to brain damage the only job he has been able to keep is a super market stocker on the swing (10PM - 6AM) shift. Nice guy but his life was for ever changed for lack of proper protection.
I have scars and screwed up joints from my days of TB riding. I now have elbow, wrist and knee pads as well as the modular full face helmet. The hard insert in wrist bands scream loud to me as many times the heel of my hand hit the ground / rocks first followed quickly by a knee.
Good luck and be safe, then enjoy the freedom of MB riding.
Be sure to read the sizing and fit recommendations by the manufactures. If it isn't a snug fit, you head will bounce around like a BB in a basketball.
I tossed a "Half Shell" helmet that I bought in the 60s last year. The fiberglass seemed as sound as when it was new. Likewise the hard foam also seemed to be in good shape. The soft foam pads though were toast.
The half shell didn't really offer much protection for me when riding my trail bikes, but at least the family would have most of my head to bury. )
Old heads don't bounce much, but young ones also aren't bullet proof. I have a friend in his 40s now. He was injured around 20 years ago in a motorcycle accident. Due to brain damage the only job he has been able to keep is a super market stocker on the swing (10PM - 6AM) shift. Nice guy but his life was for ever changed for lack of proper protection.
I have scars and screwed up joints from my days of TB riding. I now have elbow, wrist and knee pads as well as the modular full face helmet. The hard insert in wrist bands scream loud to me as many times the heel of my hand hit the ground / rocks first followed quickly by a knee.
Good luck and be safe, then enjoy the freedom of MB riding.