Doctor Says No More Riding Bikes


Local time
9:45 AM
Apr 22, 2008
so i came back from the doctor in a very bad mood.
turns out i have some disease in my knees called osgood slatter disease:confused:
since im 13 and im getting older and im growing rapidly now that the tisue in my knee cant keep up with the growth of my bone.

doctor says i cant ride my bike for maby 3 years untill im 16!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
we are very sorry to hear this news

we know that seems like a long time not to be able to ride

but - we do thank God that you will be able to ride again when you are 16

let's see -- you should be able to ride MBs at least until the age of 96

the bright side -- that will mean 80 years of straight riding !!!

you are in our prayers -- Mountainman
Listen to your doctor! Let your body repair itself properly, so that when the time is right, you can... RIDE THAT THING!

(sorry Mountain Man, I had the strong urge to borrow your words to drive home a point.)

Take care of those knees, and you'll be up and riding again, I'm sure.

Ask the doctor if you can ride a motorized bicycle,which has very little pedalling involved ONLY at starting off. If you describe to him or show him what a motored bike can do, it just might change his mind.
A Cure for my Back pain...

Hey Joe,

I had a similar type of knee thing when I was growing up.
I'd get a second opinion myself. Doctors can give different opinions.
Even visit a knee specialist if possible.

Here's a different story, I can relate.
Earlier this year, my back was in poor shape. I had barely 5 degrees of bending movement from the vertical before I had bad pain in the lower back.

I also had pain in the shoulder etc. How I got this pain I'll leave unanswered.

I went to an acupuncturist, for a total of about 8 visits. The pain is now gone.
with a gradual releasing and unlocking of the muscles in my whole back.
I can bend at the waist now to about 40 degrees, with no pain.

In a nut shell it worked. I have also had success with other bodily complaints.
So when the experts say you have no hope, see an acupuncturist.

After all 5,000 years of practice, has to count for something...

and now, I can still RIDE THAT THING.
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Even IF u can't ride till your 16 it doesn't stop u building them for friends & other ppl.You'll be the most popular guy around & by the time your ready you'll already have an EXTENSIVE knowledge.

BTW....chicks dig them cos their cute. ;)
the old guy was screaming --- ride that thing

Hey Joe,
So when the experts say you have no hope, see an acupuncturist.

and now, I can still RIDE THAT THING.

we need to be careful when we give medical advice
especially to one of our younger MBing friends

remember guys -- when a while back you told one of our older members
who was getting very tired while riding his MB
to try one of those little blue THINGS
as given by his (doctor only) and seen on tv

the 106 year old MB rider
rode for three days straight
had his family worried sick

ride that thing -- was all that was heard !!!
You may not pedal a bike but there should be no problem with you riding a motorized bike. Make sure you ice your knees regularly and elevate them. Compression (ace bandage) and anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) can also help with the pain.
You may not pedal a bike but there should be no problem with you riding a motorized bike. Make sure you ice your knees regularly and elevate them. Compression (ace bandage) and anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) can also help with the pain.

Get a second opinion, please. Pedalling, running, gymnastics, etc.. should be limited.