Real nice DC. I was thinking of using the rubber in my clamps until I read that it would cause a bouncy relief point that would cause the mont bolts to come loose. Later down the road please inform us.
Yes, I will keep an eye on all of it.
I initially had no trust whatsoever with ANY Chinese stuff. Any.
After reading the posts, I gained more & more confidence, however.
Seeing is believing, for me, I guess.
As noted, there is a difference in kits !
And, there seems to be a slight quality difference from kit to kit from the same provider.
One item of note for me is that chain idler / tensioner.
Seems to me if that chain hops off, it is going to catastrophic. There is nowhere for the chain to go up on the front sprocket. Big time wreck, I could imagine.
On the one kit I somewhat inherited, the idler is nothing more that a round piece of plastic mounted on an iron (not steel) rod.
I could not in my right mind send ANYBODY, including myself, riding as it were. I robbed a bearing type roller out of another kit and additionally ordered two (2ea) more rollers from the reputable outfit that posts here.
I would like to see a better still quality of roller or a sprocketed tensioner....... in the future, in the future...... when I have time.
I plan on resolving some of the engineering short comings with the charging system, rollers, clutch handles, etc.
Other than stated, still alive and riding daily.