Engine revving high when i pull in the clutch

I wouldn't trust that torque wrench to be exact at 12 lbs
Go back to 120 with dial at 0... then move two clicks to 2 (each division is 12 in/lb or one ft/lb) how retarded.
A Ft lb torque wrench that ya read in inch pounds :LOL: and ya can't dial it in to the exact inch pounds ya only can get within 1 ft. lb
I wouldn't trust that torque wrench to be exact at 12 lbs
It reminds me alot of how Chinese do centimeters, you know, like how 80CCs are really only 66CCs.

You have Cubic Centimeters and now you have Chinese Centimeters...must be "New Math" and now a Chinese torque wrench...lol...DAMIEN
Inch lb torque wrenches are more expensive than Foot lb torque wrenches. I bet China put inch lb markings on a foot lb torque wrench just to charge more money for it. Or try and fake us Americans out so we would think we would think we were buying an Inch lb torque wrench and getting it for a cheap price. Or they think all of us Americans are good at math :LOL:
Your torque wrench is a Foot. lb torque wrench but it reads in inches Made in China for sure :ROFLMAO:
It's a metric torque wrench it reads in nm or kilograms,these are meant for finer/smaller torque requirements.
It's a metric torque wrench it reads in nm or kilograms,these are meant for finer/smaller torque requirements.View attachment 100583
Did ya look at the pics of @Joshyaddow torque wrench?
Sure it has metric and Inch lb markings but it's a foot lb torque wrench with Inch lb markings
Also I know this is off topic but I have no clue on how to set my torque wrench to 12 footpounds my torque wrench is in inchpounds and the other side is metric View attachment 100574
I've got a craftsman Inch lb torque wrench and on the other side it's metric
25 inch lbs to 250 inch lbs = 2 ft lbs to 20 ft lbs
Newton -Meters 3.6 to 29.1 fine adjustments
Why dose the inch lb side go all the way up to 960 inch lbs = 80 ft Lbs
Read the whole thread