Fenders? To be or not to be?

Hi gang,

Kev here interwebbing you from down under. :)

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I've currently got my 2stroke 66cc Beach Cruiser which I have just got up and running again and am really enjoying it.
I wanted to spend a bit on bike security, so I bought an AXA Defender wheel lock plus the optional chain that plugs into it for around $110AUD all up plus shipping.
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I planned to put the wheel lock on the rear wheel inside the frames triangle, and using the chain to lock onto the front wheel as well as around whatever structure is around to like my bike to.

Only downside is my bike has front and rear fenders. I have already taken the front fender off.

Should I cut into my rear fender and try and fit the lock? Or am I better off removing the rear fenders completely? Or leaving it on and buying some other type of lock?

I've heard somewhere (i think lol) that fenders can be dangerous on motorized bikes and should be removed.

Your input would be gladly appreciated before I pull the dremel out and start cutting into the rear fender.

Kev :)
I took rear fender off because mine was off set and kept hitting the tire and it was just being annoying If anything keep your front fender because It block the rain from splashing you and blinding your vision while riding also rear fender just gets In the way when working on chain and other stuff In my opinon
if there's one to throw away is the front fender. a failed rear fender just means skidding to a stop and at worst a destroyed rear wheel. if your front fender breaks it's a guaranteed crash.
I've taken both fenders off :)
I don't ride in the wet or mud so it shouldn't be a problem for me.

Thanks for all the helpful feedback guys, I really do appreciate it ;)
since i ride in all kinds weather i have recently found some fenders to put on, mostly for dirty snow, cuz i ride to work, i also use studded tires in winter.