first mishap


Local time
10:12 PM
May 29, 2008
Thanks to you all, I finally got my bike on the road (after putting my sprocket on the right side so the chain was aligned properly). I have made just over half dozen short treks. It runs really great. I am thrilled with the performance.

Went and got speedometer today. It works good. I learned that I have been riding about 15 mph all along (trying to keep it down during the breakin period).

had problem with chain derailing on my ride this p.m. Fortunately I wasn't that far from home. Had to lift the back wheel and roll the front and walk the baby home - with intermittent breaks (ok, I'm outta shape):???:. It's in the garage now. I'll tackle that one tomorrow. Guess I didn't have it quite tight enough.

Also, as I mentioned in another post, I have that awful squeak in the front. I'm pretty sure misteright1 was right about the front bearing. It made a little noise yesterday (not quite as awful) while I was riding w/o motor with my wife on her bicycle and me on mine. Shouldn't be a big deal to change out a bearing.

Oh, yeah, I have one other problem. The little set screw on the carb is out of adjustment. when I stop the bike at an intersection, the motor goes dead (in neutral). I need to know how to reset. I have run it all the way in and am now at about 2 full turns out and it still is not keeping motor alive. It really restarts easily but is a minor aggravation having to restart.

Again, my sincere thanks to all of you that have helped me get this far. Now my wife is talking about wanting one. I know there must be a way u can mount a motor on a 24" women's bike.
I mounted a motor on a 24" bike for my wife. It's a boys style bike, but she has no trouble getting on. It was a tight squeeze, but it fit.

Chain derailment? You can simply pull in the clutch, reach down and set the chain on the first few teeth of the bottom of the sprocket. Then walk your bike a few feet and chain will slip onto the rest. Then you're riding again. You've only lost a minute and you've gotten dirty fingers, but it's better than pushing (and lifting) your bike.

Re-adjust tension when you get home.

Carb set screw; seems like 3 1/2 turns out is the most recommended. Set there my bike will idle properly about half the time and stall the other half. I can live with that.
hi; good work. your the side screw is probably right. the adjustment is on throttle itself. at the top of carb. adj. throttle. your slide is bottoming out i think. if you have a tractor supply co. in your area(i dont and had to order online) you can replace the tentioner with one that works. part#165-063 tens.w/roller and #165-280 spring. discussed before. the stock. tens. is junk and next might wreck some spokes. the chain is also ****, use #41 amer. chain. good luck mitch----the parts are in go-cart section of tsc
"Chain derailment? You can simply pull in the clutch, reach down and set the chain on the first few teeth of the bottom of the sprocket. Then walk your bike a few feet and chain will slip onto the rest. Then you're riding again. You've only lost a minute and you've gotten dirty fingers, but it's better than pushing (and lifting) your bike."

'fraid it wasn't that simple. The chain is pinched tight between the sprocket and the spokes. I knocked some of it loose with screwdriver and hammer when I got in, but garage was just too hot to endure much more than 10 minutes of it so I'll finish up tomorrow. Hope motor is ok. I killed it (or rather it killed itself when I pulled in the clutch.