First ride at last

I took my first ride tonight it was great, I did it under the cover of night and traveled only 2 blocks. I still need to adjust the carb a little, there is more power in there I know it! Anyway here are some photos, I don't consider it done yet it will probably be a work in process for a long time.

BTW: the wing nuts are already gone.


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Pretty neat build. More tinkering to do I am sure. You will want to experiment with different size drive rollers, && a different tire, too. I like it !!
How did you get that friction drive on that.. is that a centrifugal clutch?
I love your ingenuity! I may need to copy this.
Excellent job. I am more and more interested in the friction drives, I like the simplicity. I have an old Solex and it never gave out, it needs tires and they are not easy to get at a good price, I have an outfit in Salt Lake city that has them. I got rid of a couple of the budget engines and thought they would never work for a motorbike, now I would like to have the challenge of making one work like yours. Have fun Dave

PS: Take a look at this fancy one, not mine, but what I like is the fact that you can lay the two pieces on the drill press and then they match, and then use pipe for spacers, and look at the adjuster, now that is ingenious.


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I'm not claiming to know anything about friction drive setups, but by how the tire looks from 2 blocks I would say you should put the roller a little deeper into the tire so it slips less and the tire doesn't wear as fast. Experts... what are your rulings?
If I do a rack mount I want to use a "women's" frame like your build. I think I would feel less trapped if I had to dismount quickly this way.
I used a unisex frame with a low topbar not only because I already had the bike but it keeps the center of gravity a little bit lower considering you're adding weight to the top of the bike. It definitely makes dismounts easier and my girlfriend likes it because we both have the same bicycle. Bought them both at the same time in the huge discount bin known as walmart.
Cool that you build that thing yourself, don't see as much of that. If I could make only one suggestion its take a rotary cutter to those side panels and remove some of the excess metal and sharp corners for a better look. Not that it'll improve performance at all but it may just cut down on weight a bit.
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