Well, if you're going with a folding bike... you have to get a rack-mounted 2-stroke. Rack because it won't fold [easily] if it's on the frame, and 2-stroke because oil will leak out of the crankcase with a 4-stroke that is tucked in an RV or something. Also, if you ever wanted to bring the bike on a plane... they don't allow used 4-strokes to come on the plane for this very reason -- leaking oil.
As for the motor I'm getting... it'd prolly be 30ccs to 40ccs, maybe even electric. I'd prolly go for the quietest engine I could find, really. For gas, I've heard of a Mitsubishi 42cc engine that's pretty quiet, but I'm sure it can't compare to a silent, brushless electric hub.
I'm going to enjoy the 30day money back guarantee with the bike, and just pedal for the first couple months at least. Then I'll prolly get the Mitsubishi 42cc or an electric hub w/battery. I just wanna ride for now, tho!! Come on UPS!!!