i also knew about why the seat's like it is...i have mine setup for easy pedaling, too, as part of the intended final appearance of my motor-assisted-bicycle.
i may try hard to not ever have to pedal, but i'm no stranger to foot power, having ridden for years (some pretty technical stuff on missouri trails, too) before motorizing. yesterday, i pedaled 6 miles with quay's fiance, they're still waiting for delivery of their 70, but that wasn't gonna stop us from enjoying the beach, which we did in fine style.
i like all the bikes here as individual statements and diverse examples of where this "hobby" can take you. i've never seen a negative reply inside "picture gallery-show off your bike" before, not in over 100 galleries...i hope i never see another one. pic galleries are personal threads where members share their bikes with the community, & the perfect place to keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say. there are other more appropriate places at MBc to discuss/debate style & method.
so, wes, "one" is not "many"...opinions vary, yes, but respect for individual style is a constant at MBc.
sincerely...if you like your motoredbike, then i like your motoredbike. specifically, i like how you mixed a bit of boardtracker in there...thanks for showing her off 8)