Gas Tank Mounting brackets


Local time
6:23 AM
May 28, 2008
Yesterday I rode my bike about 30 miles round trip to a local lake to do a bit of fishing.

On the way home while crusing at a significant speed, my gas tank mounting brackets both snapped in half at the same time.

Anyone ever had this happen? If so what did you replace them with?
you can use chimney strapping from a harware store comes in metal roll with holes.
or you can get the same roll at a auto parts store,its in the muffler help section,muffler strapping$2-3.
my tank is mounted on my rear rack,i can use anything now even washers and nuts.
and i use double nuts so none fall off or loosen.
I made brackets out of some strip aluminum. It bent around the tube easily enough.

And there was a bonus; I made them just a bit longer than the stock brackets. So when tightened the ends of my brackets pushed up against the bottom of the tank, giving a bit more support.

I also wrapped a bit of friction tape around the brackets. Now my tank is rock solid.