"Ghost Sproket"


Local time
3:26 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Yep, just installed one on my drive chain tonight! I can't believe how simple it was, and how easy it is to get rid of that noisy chain tensioner! I'll post some pics tomorrow morning, its a 44 tooth sproket from another kit.

I did have 1 question, is it possible to paint some sort of design on it that will look cool when its spinning?
I did have 1 question, is it possible to paint some sort of design on it that will look cool when its spinning?
Go to a sign shop and get a vinyl decal made. Much easier than paint.
Make sure they use high performance vinyl and that you clean the sprocket
with rubbing alcohol really well before application.

If you have a vector program like CorelDRAW you could design it
yourself and just have them cut from the file.
...This stupid thing sent me over my handle bars today...it fell off and got snagged in the spokes of the back wheel, locked up the tire and killed the engine, jerked the bike out from under me and sent me over the handle bars.

To make things worse my pants got caught on the handle bar extension so I got yanked backwards at the same time trapping my leg between the frame and the front wheel. A real mess, Good thing I was wearing a helmet! I didnt get knocked out and was able to roll off to the shoulder to let cars go by.

I honestly dont know why it came loose, I thought the compression of the chain kept it in there pretty good.
It's good to hear that things didn't turn out too bad. This could have been a serious mess. You sure have run into a lot of different situations for a young guy from what I have read on your other posts. Your experiences are valuable to the rest of us members. My setup runs with no tensioners or ghost sprockets. I think it's much safer although it can be difficult to get just right. Hope your bruises heal fast and get back up on those wheels!:D

...This stupid thing sent me over my handle bars today...it fell off and got snagged in the spokes of the back wheel, locked up the tire and killed the engine, jerked the bike out from under me and sent me over the handle bars.

To make things worse my pants got caught on the handle bar extension so I got yanked backwards at the same time trapping my leg between the frame and the front wheel. A real mess, Good thing I was wearing a helmet! I didnt get knocked out and was able to roll off to the shoulder to let cars go by.

I honestly dont know why it came loose, I thought the compression of the chain kept it in there pretty good.

told u so when u put spring around motor why do people insist on building themselves death traps and then saying it just fell apart when just riding along
Those springs have held my motor better than the original mount...and before you say anything regarding my "deathtrap" please consider what it is we are refering to, a ghost sproket has little to nothing to do with the engine mount.
Hey Johnny, the ghost sprockets I have seen are only small about 16 teeth.
How did you fit a 44 teeth in? You're lucky it could have come out like a circular saw and nawed a chunk from ya leg. Anyway man your young those bumps will heal in no time. Try to always think SAFETY with these bikes.
Try running it without no chain tensioner AND no 44 teeth ghost sprocket.
That is if you have some adjustment in your frame for the back wheel
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